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About Me

  /  About Me

hi, i'm krishna!

Ever since I could handle a camera, which happened at the tender age of 22, I’ve been snapping away at moments like it’s nobody’s business. There is now an inside joke among friends about my need to capture anything and everything I lay my eyes on. To them, I say, ‘I could have picked a worse hobby…’

My inspiration started with Mother Nature when I began traveling. The instant need to capture its jaw-dropping beauty was undeniable. However, it’s not all about grand landscapes. At some point, I began noticing the little things too. Life is full of tiny details that often go unnoticed. It has become a never-ending game of ‘I Spy’ for me.

After years of encouragement from friends and family to venture into capturing moments of their lives, I decided it was time to start a new chapter in my life. So, here we are! Welcome to my photo business!

I’m incredibly excited for this new adventure and grateful that you’re here!

Here's a bit of my adventurous side

some fun facts